Full-stack Developer

Anthony spent much of the past decade refining ANJET (launched, 2008) on both the front and back ends of the site.  He’s responsible for interpreting the site’s data analytics, banner ads, debugging/troubleshooting –  as well as adding key pages and build-outs to major media partners. He is also the chief developer for this site, WritePlus, which he originally built (circa 2013) and has continued to maintain and upgrade ever since. 

Published author and narrator

Anthony self-published his first non-fiction audio and e-book, Sorry, 50 Is NOT The New 30 It is a humorous reflection of middle age and much of the unexpected that comes along with it. 

WritePlus+ can assist you in developing from concept to completion, as well as explain the intricacies of your site’s metrics and debug as needed, We consider ourselves your “team members” – working closely with our clients and sharing a mutual respect for each others’ ideas and solutions

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