with Anthony Newcombe

March 13, 2025
This month’s topic: The Lottery ($5 now)
I don’t understand something. Perhaps you can help me. I noticed last week that the California MegaMillions just announced that starting this April, the entry fee going forward will now be $5 – up from $2.
The rationale went something like this: “Now, MegaMillions wannabes will be able to LOWER their odds of winning…blah, blah, blah…”
I’m not a big fan of the lotto (too much of a control freak regarding my finances) but I can’t help but notice the plethora of citizens who partake in the contest (many of them as often as possible), and I know they all really have faith they will one day hit the big jackpot.
I guess for the purposes of this blog entry, I’m more concerned about the “little guys.” You know, the ones who can’t seem to make their monthly nut, yet squirrel-away just enough ducats to participate whenever possible.
So, lotto entries are ALSO subject to inflation?
Now, being that we are facing some odd and widespread inflationary issues right now, I can’t help but wonder why the lotto bosses thought this was a good time to “raise the ante.” Let’s face it: Americans are bellyaching over the price of eggs, gas, mortgages, rent etc.
I agree with said aches & pains. HOWEVER, I don’t see the logic in paying 150% more for a gambling ticket while they are enduring said inflation. I mean, it’s like saying to someone:
“Let me help you out with that inflation. I know you’re in need of making some big money but first just give me some extra money and I promise you your odds of winning big will move UP from being struck by lightning while a Great White Shark is devouring you – to simply being struck while relaxing on a random park bench.”
Coo coo, isn’t it. I don’t know what to say. HELP! S.O.S.
What do YOU think?
Oh, and “happy spring season!”
– A.N.
Anthony Newcombe is a 4-time entrepreneur, published author & narrator, and full-stack web developer. He can be reached for appearances via our CONTACT PAGE.