A Closer Look (newest)

with Anthony Newcombe

August 7, 2024

This month’s topic: How did “Chia” become edible?

Good morning/afternoon/evening wherever you may be. I was thumbing through our provisions cupboard the other day when I noticed something very, very odd. Let me digress a bit first: not to “date” myself too much, but I recall as a youngster that we were inundated with television commercials about a new toy: the Chia Pet.

You’ve probably heard of it too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzY7qQFij_M

Don’t quote me on it (it’s been a minute) but I believe the goal was to sit it on any desk, hope chest, G.I. Joe© builder set, etc. and sprinkle the chia seeds on a bald-backed beast (a goat, bear, dog or something), add a lil’ water and …VOILÁ …sometime later, that thing would sprout … HAIR!!

Fast forward to the other day in the cupboard. After all these decades, I ran into something called “Chia seeds!” What made it so strange is that nowadays, well, it appears that young people (I house a few of them part-time during the hottest months) have chosen to EAT the same seeds that we sprouted hair with. In fact, I had NO IDEA my Chia Pet was so healthy! Did you?!

Ch-ch-ch-CHIA! https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-chia-seeds

Are they aware of this?  If so, do they even care?  I’m hesitant to ask because I don’t want to have to mop my kitchen floor after they hear they are unknowingly ingesting “hair growth products” and proceed to yak all over the joint.

Do I need to tell them? Or should I do what the parents did in our dayeither just say nothing or tell them to “go out in the street and PLAY!”

What do YOU THINK?


Anthony Newcombe is a 4-time entrepreneur, published author & narrator, and full-stack web developer. He can be reached for appearances via our “CONTACT US” PAGE.