with Anthony Newcombe

Topic: What skill did you learn/ are you learning during the extended “home-based” Covid-19 period?
Personal note: Like you, I noticed plenty of people getting in on the new “mask production craze”
The “mask makers” (as seen all over YouTube) …
However, I decided to do something a bit different. I took some time to learn a new digital design skill. Since I began self-learning coding in late 2014, I’ve always tinkered with Photoshop, but, only learned enough to make a mess for the most part! So, with some extra time on my hands (not having to drop off the kids at school for a while) I dug into the progam GIMP (Gnu Image Manipulation Program).
Since its free, open source software, I knew I could simply dabble at my pace without worrying about an forthcoming “expired trial period” to deal with. Also, I knew if I got distracted by something else unforeseen, I could easily move on without worry likewise.
Anyhow, with all that is going on in the U.S.A. and around the world, I just thought it might be a good time reach and ask our social media and site followers:
What skill have you developed (or are currently in the midst of) that you most likely would never have done were it not for the Covid-19 quarantines/ shutdowns/ interruptions?
We look forward to hearing about it!
Be well all!